Monday, September 29, 2008

Am I really Doing This II

I have never been a fan of blogging. I figured it was for lonely people who felt a need to get the attention of strangers. However, since I have spent my life trying to get attention in the "real world" it makes sense that I may as well try the cyber world. I am starting this in advance of what may be a long roadtrip to create my first book, as well as the start of a new chapter in my life.

I will promise you this much: I will do my best to be as brutally honest as I can be. I understand that these are my views, not yours. I will ignore any nasty, childish comments. I would love real advice and input about the topics I address and my travels.

Okay. It is 1 month until I leave Alaska. I have been here for most of 14 years. This has become my home. Like a man leaving prison after 14 years, I wonder if I can live on the outside again! We shall see. My travels will take me from Alaska, through Canada and all around the states. I will begin in the west and move east. I also plan to drive the US/Mexico border for a book idea I am working on. Then it will be a year in Samoa volunteer teaching with WorldTeach!

More to come and my bio.
Wow...I did it! My first Blog entry.

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